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Karasevskaya 37 Street
Karasevskaya 37 Street

Karasevskaya 37 Street



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Yekaterinburg is a city in Russia, east of the Ural Mountains. It’s known for the golden-domed Church on the Blood, built in the early 21st century on the site of the 1918 Romanov executions. The Monument to the Founders stands by the banks of the Iset River. Exhibits at the nearby Sverdlovsk Regional Local Lore Museum include the Hall of the Romanovs, with personal items that belonged to the last royal family.

Russia, the world’s largest nation, borders European and Asian countries as well as the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Its landscape ranges from tundra and forests to subtropical beaches. It’s famous for Moscow's Bolshoi and St. Petersburg's Mariinsky ballet companies. St. Petersburg, founded by Russian leader Peter the Great, has the baroque Winter Palace, now housing part of the State Hermitage Museum’s art collection.
