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Bessho Line Akatetsubashi

Bessho Line Akatetsubashi



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The Bessho Line is an 11.6 km Japanese railway line in Ueda, Nagano, Japan, operated by the private railway operator Ueda Electric Railway. It connects Ueda and Bessho-Onsen stations. This is currently the only railway line Ueda Dentetsu operates.

Ueda is a city located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. As of 1 April 2019, the city had an estimated population of 157,480 in 67,783 households, and a population density of 290 persons per km².

Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean with dense cities, imperial palaces, mountainous national parks and thousands of shrines and temples. Shinkansen bullet trains connect the main islands of Kyushu (with Okinawa's subtropical beaches), Honshu (home to Tokyo and Hiroshima’s atomic-bomb memorial) and Hokkaido (famous for skiing). Tokyo, the capital, is known for skyscrapers, shopping and pop culture.
